Thornhurst Country Club Estates

Manny Gordon Recreation Site
Manny Gordon Recreation Site
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Manny Gordon Recreation Site in Thornhurst

Manny Gordon passed away on June 23rd. He was a long time Lackawanna County District Forester and made many appearances on WNEP. He was a WWII Veteran worked for Pennsylvania for more then 43 years and made his mission to make us all laugh.
This is Manny Gordon and as you can tell the sign which reads Manny Gordon Recreation Site is named for him. For many years people used to see him on television and he would come across the screen saying "Enjoy! Enjoy!".
He was at our Annual Hiking Club Christmas Party Friday night and I had gotten my picture with him and wanted to add it to my Thornhurst homepage along with the Recreation Site named for him. 
Manny Gordon who is retired now from the Bureau of Forestry in 1979 after 44 years of service is still active in promoting the outdoors and forest conservation in Northeast Pennsylvania. Known for the maxim "Enjoy! Enjoy!" Gordon touts the Poconos  region through popular television appearances and public service announcements.
During his tenure with the Bureau of Forestry he served as an assistant district forester in four forest districts and district forester for the Lackawanna State Forest.